Thursday, August 29, 2024

Reminder: Virtual and In-Person Orientation Advising TOMORROW!


Hi First-Years!

This is a reminder that virtual and in-person advising will be taking place tomorrow, August 30th, during registration. Here is the schedule below:

In-person Orientation Advising (9:30AM-2PM)

- Gail Archer (Music, Italian language) - 319 Milbank
- Pat Denison (English Dept. with Theatre concentration; Theatre; dramatic literature and theatre studies; humanities) - 410A Barnard
- Antoni Fernandez Parera (Spanish as a foreign and heritage language. Spanish and Latin American Cultures. Minor in Spanish) - 210 Milbank 
- Katie Glasner (Dance and the Performing Arts) - 311 Barnard Hall 
- Ross Hamilton (Chair, Department of English) - 419 Barnard (Start time of 10AM)
- Elizabeth Hutchinson (Art History/Visual Arts, American Studies, Indigenous Studies) - 500R Diana
- Laura Kay (Astronomy, Physics) - 405 Barnard Hall
- Christian Rojas (Chemistry, Prehealth) - 403 Barnard Hall
- Duygu Ula (First-Year Writing & English. Humanities, LGBTQ+ students; International students particularly welcome) - 261 LeFrak
- Pam Cobrin (English, First-Year Seminar, Theatre, Performance Studies) - 216 Barnard 
- JJ Miranda (Biology, STEM intro courses) - 277 LeFrak

Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns. We hope to see you there!

The First-Year Team

Two English courses available for First-Years!

Hi First-Years!

We wanted to reach out and promote these two courses on behalf of the English department:

As always, please reach out to if you have any questions.
The First-Year Team

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Final Registration Reminders before Move-In/NSOP!


Hey First-Years!

We wanted to reach out with some final reminders before move-in and NSOP regarding Friday advising and registration.
  • You will be receiving your pre-major advisor assignment tomorrow, August 28th, along with detailed instruction on how to see your advisor's name on Student Planning.
  • There will be in-person advising on Friday, August 30th (same day as registration), for students who have any last minute questions or concerns about selecting courses, waitlists, etc.
  • Don’t forget to connect with your pre-major advisor within the first two weeks of courses and finalize your class registration by Friday, September 13.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns! See you on campus :)

The First-Year Team

Life at Barnard: Dining Halls on Campus

Hey First-Years,

Today's post is going to be about something I’m sure is on all of your minds…

FOOD! As some of you may know, there are eight main dining halls on campus. Two at Barnard --Hewitt and Diana -- and six at Columbia: Ferris Booth, John Jay, JJ’s Place, Faculty House, Chef Mike's Sub Shop, and Chef Don's Pizza Pi. We’re going to break down for you some info about those dining halls, other cafes on campus, and dietary restrictions. LET’S GET STARTED.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Alert: EDUC BC1510 now available for August registration!

  Hey First-Years!

For those of you who tried to register for EDUC BC1510: Educational Foundations, sections 001 and 002 in July and were "blocked" by Student Planning, good news! The course is now available for registration this Friday, August 30th! This is an introductory course in Educational Studies, and a prerequisite to almost all other courses in the department. All first-year students are eligible to take this class - in fact, both sections are holding numerous spots for you all! You are now able to register for either section on August 30th, and we apologize that it was not available during July registration.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


The First-Year Team

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Orientation Virtual Advising!


  Hey First-Years!

Looking to meet with an advisor one more time before registration? Check out this spreadsheet to see times that faculty members will be available on Zoom to answer your questions! Faculty are very eager to speak with students, so we encourage those who are available to use these Zooms as an opportunity to plan for registration on Friday, August 30th. The faculty members who will be participating are very familiar with the registration process, so you are encouraged to ask any questions and talk through your schedules from July registration!

There is no sign-up for these sessions, so you will be let in the main room and then placed in a breakout room. The spreadsheet is used to reference times that particular faculty members will be online, so if looking to meet with a specific advisor, please refer to the sheet!

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns at We hope to see you there!


The First-Year Team