Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Comparative Literature & Translation Studies Program Planning Meeting

Come join the Comparative Literature & Translation Studies department on Tuesday, November 12th from 12-1 PM in Diana 308 for their Program Planning Meeting!


Architecture Program Planning Meeting

Come join the Architecture department on Wednesday, October 30th from 12-1 PM in The McCagg Gallery (Diana 4th floor) for their Program Planning Meeting! 

Urban Studies Program Planning Meeting

Come join the Urban Studies department on Tuesday, October 29th at 6:00 PM in Diana Center 203 for their Program Planning Meeting!


Biology Department Program Planning Meeting

Come join the Biology department on Friday, October 18th from 12 PM-3:30 PM in Sulzberger Parlor for their Program Planning meeting!


Dance Department Program Planning Meeting

Come join the Dance department on Thursday, October 17th at 5:30 PM in Studio 306 for their Program Planning Meeting!


Human Rights Department Open House

Come join the Human Rights department on Wednesday, October 16th, from 6:30-7:30 PM in Milstein 113 for their Open House!


Education Department Open House

Please join the Education department on Tuesday, October 15th from 6:15-7:30 PM in Milstein 614 for their Open House!

Statistics Open House

Please join the Statistics department on Tuesday, October 15th, from 11:30 AM-3 PM in Uris 107 for their Open House!

Argh I dropped a class but now it is mysteriously back on my transcript pls help

If you successfully dropped a class with adviser permission on or before the October 8 drop deadline, the class should no longer be on your schedule or transcript in Student Planning (Courseworks/Canvas and SSOL may take a little longer to catch up). 

HOWEVER, there is a known technical issue that sometimes causes a previously-dropped course to mysteriously reappear on your schedule and transcript.  The Registrar is aware of this and can help!  

We encourage you to check your transcript in Student Planning periodically to make sure your current-semester courses remain just the courses you are currently registered for.  

If you notice your dropped class coming back again, please email and they will re-drop the course for you.

P/D/F & W Deadline is November 14th!

Hi First Years!

As of now your schedules are for the most part finalized. But for those who are still debating their courses and schedules, there are still options available! Let’s dive into P/D/F & W and what that actually means. 

How Does P/D/F Work?

Good news! Every Barnard student is allowed to Pass/D/Fail ONE class per semester. In other words, if you choose to PDF a class, the letter (P, D, or F) will appear on your transcript in place of a grade. Only a D or an F will count towards your GPA. 

  • A letter grade of A+ through C- will appear on the transcript as a P, and will not count in the grade point average (GPA)

  • A letter grade of D will appear on the transcript as a D, and will count in the GPA

  • A letter grade of F will appear on the transcript as an F, and will count in the GPA

You can elect a class to be P/D/F even if one of your other courses is already an automatic P/D/F (i.e. First Year Seminar, First Year Writing, Physical Education).

What’s the Deadline to Declare a P/D/F?

You must make your decision by November 14, 2024 and submit the option "Request for Pass/D/Fail" in SSOL.

When Should I Not Use P/D/F?

It’s recommended to not use P/D/F in any course that can count toward your major or minor. Any class required for your major or minor that you PDF will be automatically uncovered at the time of graduation, and could affect your GPA. If you are debating P/D/F for one of these courses (including courses in your major/minor department that are not specifically required), consider speaking to your pre-major advisor or the department heads of your major/minor.

Can I Undo a P/D/F?

After you elect to P/D/F a course, there is a window between mid-June and mid-September where you can uncover a P grade. You will be able to see the actual grade you received in that class on SSOL and you can then make a decision to uncover or keep the P depending on what works best for you.

What If I Have Extenuating Circumstances And Am Not Doing Well in Multiple Classes?

Students who may be facing extenuating circumstances in a particular semester can petition to elect P/D/F grading in a second course, by speaking with their class dean and then submitting a petition to the College’s Committee on Programs and Academic Standing (CPAS).

Then What’s a Withdraw? And When Should I Use That?

Because the drop deadline has already passed, you are no longer able to drop a class without it appearing on your transcript. Instead, you can fill out the withdrawal form on Slate, which will mark the class with grade W on your transcript but will not count towards GPA. Be sure to obtain documented advisor approval before completing the withdrawal form.

What’s the Deadline to Withdraw From a Course?

To withdraw from a course (the course remains on the transcript with a grade of W), you should submit a withdrawal form with adviser approval to the Registrar’s Office before November 14, 2024

If you have any questions or concerns, as always, reach out to the First Year Team at!