Friday, May 31, 2024

What are First-Year Academic Planning & Registration sessions?

 Hey First-Years,

We hope you all are having an awesome start to your summer, and congratulations on graduating/wrapping up gap years! We are reaching out to introduce a very important program during the summer: First-Year Academic Planning and Registration sessions!

First-Year Academic Planning and Registration sessions are Zooms hosted by First-Year Class Dean Wendy Garay, in which you will discuss academic planning and your first round of course registration in July. You will learn about Student Planning, the online course-planning and registration tool, First-Year Experience courses such as First-Year Seminar and First-Year Writing, other 1000-level or intro courses that are open to first-years during July registration, and will be able to ask any and all questions in small breakout rooms during the Q&A after the information presentation. 

There are 8 total planning sessions in the summer session; you are required to sign up for only one. Please make sure you do not sign up for more than one to allow room for others to participate in sessions! You will be able to sign up for Academic Planning and Registration sessions on the Doodle platform. The link to sign up will be in Volume 1 of The First-Year Guide, which will be released June 3rd!

We hope this information is helpful to you. With any questions, please make sure to reach out via email to our team at We can't wait to start working with all of you!


The First-Year Team