Friday, June 21, 2024

Registration Guidance: Intro Bio for incoming First Years

 Hey First-Years,

            We hope you are all doing well! Check out this information regarding Intro Bio below!

If you are planning on enrolling in BIOL BC1500 Introduction to Organismal and Evolutionary Biology in Fall 2024, please read the following carefully:

1. BIOLBC1500 is the appropriate introductory biology course for students who are considering a Biology major or are pursuing the pre-health professional track. This course is offered in the fall only and will be taught Mon, Wed 8:40-9:55am.

2. There is an associated lab class (BIOL BC1501) that is meant to be taken at the same time as the BIOL BC1500 lecture. Students must enroll for the 2 point lab course as a separate course. This course is also offered in the fall only.

3. There are two courses in the Introductory Biology series at Barnard, and students must take both of these courses to major in Biology or pursue a pre-health professions track:
- BIOL BC1500: Intro to Organismal and Evolutionary Biology, which is offered in the fall semester only. The associated lab course is BIOL BC1501 Lab (2 points) and a required associated recitation called BIOL BC1511 recitation (0 points)
- BIOL BC1502: Intro to Cell and Molecular Biology which is offered in the spring semester only. The associated lab course is BIOL BC1503 lab (2 points) and a required associated recitation called BIOL BC1513 recitation (0 points)

4. BIOLBC1500 and BIOLBC1502 can be taken in any order (BIO1500 first; then BIO1502 or vice versa).

5. In Fall 2024, BIOL BC1501 labs will be offered at the following times. All sections are identical in content and structure. You must register for one section.
Monday 1:10-4pm
Tuesday 9:10am-12pm
Tuesday 1:10-4pm
Wednesday 1:10-4pm
Thursday 9:10am-12pm
Thursday 1:10-4pm
Friday 10:10am-1pm

Note: please be sure to choose a lab section that does not present conflicts with your other courses, responsibilities, and/or personal obligations. Enrollment in the lab sections is limited due to space constraints and safety considerations, and it may not be possible to switch lab sections at a later date.

6. All students who try to register for a BIOL BC1500 lecture and BIOL BC1501 lab will initially be placed on a waitlist (one waitlist for the lecture and one waitlist for the lab). Students will be admitted to the course, as space allows, throughout the registration period. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for your schedule to update after being approved off the waitlist.

7. Students enrolling in BOTH Intro Bio (BIOL 1500/1501) AND General Chemistry (CHEM BC2001/2012) will need to register for lab sections that do not conflict with either lecture class. If you are planning on taking both Gen Chem and Intro Bio this fall please complete this brief Google form by July 12, 2024 

8. Questions about intro bio can be directed to:

We look forward to working with you this fall!

The Intro Bio Team