Monday, June 17, 2024

Summer Registration Survival Guide: July Course Selection FAQs


Hi First Years!

Today we’re tackling all your questions about course selection. Before you register for classes, you need to know which classes you want to take. And guess who decides what classes you take? YOU.

Remember: on Monday, July 15th, you'll only register for FYE, P.E., and select Barnard courses; this post reviews that but also explains how you'll build the rest of your schedule and select other classes. 

Let’s go over some of your most asked questions about your first registration cycle, scheduled for the week of July 15th, as well as course selection in general:

Where can I find courses?

For July Registration, students will only be allowed to register for a limited number of courses. This includes FYE, P.E., and a select number of classes that are recommended for first years by academic departments. First-years will receive a list of courses to choose from prior to the July registration period. In the meantime, to find all the details (such as times/dates, instructor, enrollment, etc.) about your FYE and PE classes, hit up the Columbia Directory of Classes. Department websites are another great place if you’re interested in a specific major.

What is the P.E. requirement? Where can I find P.E. classes? What classes fulfill the P.E. requirement?

All first-years need to take a P.E. (Physical Education) class within their first year at Barnard (unless you’re a JTS/Barnard Double Degree student; then you have until the end of junior year). If you go to the Columbia Directory of Classes and select Physical Education @ Barnard under "Department," you can see all the courses that the Barnard P.E. Department offers.

You can take either a Barnard P.E. course, a dance class, or play a varsity sport to fulfill the P.E. requirement. During the summer registration process, you'll only be able to register for a Barnard P.E. course. If you would like to register for a dance class or a varsity sport, you'll be able to do so during the NSOP registration period in August. A limited number of spaces are available in Columbia P.E. courses for Barnard students. If you would like to take a Columbia P.E. course, you’ll have to go to the Columbia P.E. Department in person and request special permission to register for a Columbia P.E. course during the first week of classes. You cannot register for a Columbia P.E. course through the normal registration process on the Barnard portal.

How many credits can I register for?

During July registration, the maximum number of credits you may be enrolled in is 13. You will not be allowed to go over this credit limit until the following registration cycles in August and September. Make sure that you are registered for either FYW or FYS. You are also encouraged to take P.E. during the fall semester (if spots are available).

What if the FYS/FYW class I want is full?

We recommend having a healthy number of planned FYS/FYW courses in the event that your first choice is full when you register. If you end up in more than one, make sure you drop the excess sections as soon as possible so as to make room for your peers!

Do I have to take PE in the fall?

Yes! You are encouraged to register for a PE course during July registration, but spots are limited. If you end up not being able to get in a PE course, no worries! You will just take your PE course in the spring instead of fall. There are more PE options available in the fall vs the spring though, so if you find a spot in a PE course that’s of interest, then be sure to add it to your schedule.

What will the list of select courses for July Registration include?

This will be a diverse list of courses that are recommended and/or reserving spots for first-years. This can include introductory courses in various departments for students to delve into academic interests as well as language courses. If any of these classes catch your attention, it may be in your best interest to register for them during this July period, as it’s not guaranteed that you will be able to register for these classes come Fall registration, since spots will fill up quickly.

And...that's a wrap! Please reach out to our office at for any questions! We'll see you all very soon :)