Monday, June 3, 2024

A Rundown on Barnard Beginnings

 Hi First-Years!

Yes, that’s you: CLASS OF 2028! We are so excited to welcome you on campus.  Before that happens, we hope to provide a run down on most things academic as well as advise you on other aspects of the college experience in preparation for your arrival at Barnard. 


So What is Barnard Beginnings?

Barnard Beginnings is the umbrella term used to refer to the content delivered by the Dean’s Office for Advising and Support during the summer to help the first-year class transition smoothly to the College. Over the next three months, we will communicate with you frequently via emails, our Blog, our Instagram, and most importantly our First Year Guide volumes to keep you informed of relevant and timely information. This ranges from topics such as class registration to academic and social support to our favorite dining halls. 


Who’s on the team?

Our team is comprised of the First-Year Dean Wendy Garay, Administrative Assistant to the Dean Lauren Quach, and two Student Assistants to the Dean  Nina O'Loughlin and Pooja Rayapaneni. You can expect to hear from us often!

What Other Barnard Beginnings Programming Should I Expect?

  • First-Year Guide Volumes every 2-weeks

  • Weekly Q & A’s on our Instagram

  • Academic Planning & Registration Sessions

  • Department Meetings for Prospective Majors 

  • Blog Posts 

  • Academic Coaching Sessions

The above list is not comprehensive but, hopefully, provides a good idea of what to expect.

Where Should I Go If I Have Any Questions?

We have all been in your shoes and have had dozens of questions on everything related to college. This is why we are all so excited to start working with you. We are here to help! Below are the best ways to reach the first-year team.

Nina and Pooja will host walk-in  hours over Zoom every week to answer your many questions. 

  • Nina’s Office Hours: Monday, 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM EST & Wednesday, 2:00-3:00 PM EST

  • Pooja’s Office Hours: Tuesday, 10:00-11:00 AM EST & Thursday, 3:00-4:00 PM EST

You can also email the first-year team with your questions at and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Dean Garay will also host multiple sessions this summer during which she will discuss all things related to academic planning and registration. You will be required to participate in one (1) of these sessions. You will also gain access to her personal calendar for 1:1 appointments after the final session. The sessions will inform future meetings with Dean Garay and faculty advisers so be sure to sign up when the meeting link becomes available in early June.

We will pause her for now. Just know that we are ready to take this journey with you and look forward to meeting you all!