Monday, June 3, 2024

Introducing the Barnard Beginnings Team: Nina


Hi First-Years!

Congratulations on graduating and wrapping up gap years, and happy summer! I’m Nina (she/her), and I am a rising junior at Barnard. I am one of the Student Assistants to the First-Year Team, which means you will be hearing and seeing a lot of me for the next few months. This is my second summer in the Deans' Office, and I am so excited to get to know all of you!

I am from Milton, MA, which is right outside of Boston. I am majoring in English and currently toying with the idea of a minor in something to be determined (thinking psych, poli sci, art history, etc). In terms of campus activities, I am the Publicist/Community Chair for Barnard Bookworms. Outside of Barnard, I love reading, shopping, true crime documentaries (law school??), cafe/museum/bookstore hopping, the beach, being a foodie, and hanging out with friends and family!

Two years ago I was in the exact same position as you all, anxiously awaiting emails about course registration, buying tons of items for my dorm, and saying goodbye to my loved ones. The last two years at Barnard have been memorable and I've learned so much not only in an academic sense, but also about myself. Being in college is a huge transition as everyone knows, but it is one that challenges you for the better. At first it is definitely hard to adjust, but time will be your best friend. I am so excited to serve as a helpful guide in navigating your preparation for college, and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Barnard is the place for me, and I hope all of you will confidently be able to say the same thing too!

If you have any questions about absolutely anything, please reach out to the First-Year Team. Be sure to shoot us an email at, or follow our Instagram @barnardfirstyear. If you have any questions about my experience at Barnard thus far, my Barnard email is and my Instagram is @ninaoloughlin_, and I also have Walk-In Hours on Zoom on Mondays at 11 AM EST and Wednesdays at 2 PM EST.

I can’t wait to work with you all this summer!!