Monday, June 3, 2024

Introducing the Barnard Beginnings Team: Pooja

Hi First Years!

First off, congratulations on graduating! And an even bigger congrats for committing to Barnard! My name is Pooja (she/her) and I am a rising sophomore. I’m one of the Student Workers on the First-Year team so you will regularly be hearing from me and Nina on any updates or information that the first year class should know straight from the Dean’s office. 

A little more about me: I am from Paramus, New Jersey, a little more than a thirty minute car ride to Barnard. I’ve practically grown up in the city my whole life but I never get sick of it because there’s always so much to do. I really love getting out and about; last semester, my friends and I made a bucket list of things to do in the city which made up the bulk of my weekends. I love hiking, running, playing my guitar, and listening to new music. I plan on double majoring in Political Science and Economics, with a huge interest in sustainability and climate change. At Barnard, I’m involved with SGA, serving on the First Year Class Council as a General Body Member. I also am part of Greek life on campus through my sorority SDT and POLIS (a pre-professional polisci fraternity). I can’t wait to further explore all the clubs that Columbia has to offer more next semester.

Nina and I completely understand all the feelings associated with going to college and we are here to help in any way possible. If you have any questions or concerns about anything (literally ANYTHING), please reach out to the First Year Team. Our email is or you can follow our Instagram @barnardfirstyear. If you have any questions for me specifically, you can reach me by email at or my Instagram @poojarayapaneni. I also have walk-in hours on Tuesdays from 10-11AM and Thursdays from 3-4PM

Can’t wait to have you all on campus!